Tom Hodak, Tax Collector
Office Hours Tue & Wed 12:30pm - 4:30pm or by appointment
By Phone Mon & Thu 12:00-4:30 tel 863-2105
(Lenders please note that tax status request must be emailed to - phone requests are not available.)
Please mail payments to Tax Collector, 325 Main Rd, Gill, MA 01354- please include the words "Tax Collector" on the envelope. (The P O Box is no longer in use)
Payments also accepted at Town Hall Mon-Thur 9-5
MA law dictates that payments must be RECEIVED in the Tax Collector's office by due date! The postmark has no bearing.
Please note that online payments are only for NON-overdue bills!
To pay overdue excise tax bills, please go to
TAX COLLECTOR CONTACT via e-mail: or you may leave a message at 413-863-2105 Mon-Thu afternoons- NO fax.
Mailing Address: Tax Collector, 325 Main Rd, Gill, Ma 01354. .
Tax Payments: If you would like a receipt, please include a self addressed, stamped envelope with your payment and bill stub.To pay by mail, please pay via check or money order, no cash. There is a dropoff box located at the rear HP entrance to Town Hall. Mailing Address: Tax Collector, 325 Main Rd, Gill, MA 01354.
Gill Real Estate and Personal Poperty tax bills are issued semi-annually and are generally due May 1 and Nov 1; if these dates are on a Friday, Saturday, Sunday or a Monday holiday, bills are generally due the next business day.
Tax Status Reports for Lenders/representatives: All requested reports for taxpayer status must be emailed to Sorry, we are not able to fulfill fax or verbal requests. Requests may take up to 10 business days to be filled.
Bank Payments: If you are using your bank's online bill pay, please be sure to indicate on your check the correct bill number, bill year and type of bill (real estate, personal property, motor vehicle, sewer) you are paying. If not included, we cannot guarantee that your payment will be posted in a timely manner. If we are unable find the bill you are trying to pay, your payment will be returned to you.
Motor Vehicle Excise Tax: All motor vehicle excise tax bill address changes must be made directly with the the Registry of Motor Vehicles. You can call them at 857-368-8000 or go to their website:
Municipal Lien Certificates: Effective January 1, 2008, the fee for Municipal Lien Certificates is $50.00 for each parcel and each requested closing date. Payment may be made by check payable to the Town of Gill and mailed to the address above or via online Bill Pay. MLCs will not be generated until they have been paid for, and may take up to 20 business days (5 work weeks). See MGL Chapter 60 Section 23). MLC's may also be ordered online via Online Bill Pay link on this website; cost is $50.60