Gill Historical Commission
Tuesday, December 19, 2023, 1:00 p.m.
Riverside Municipal Building
Call to order: ____________ Minutes: Lynda
1. Approve minutes of meeting on Nov. 21, 2023
2. Treasurer’s Report and Business:
Account Totals as of Dec. 19, 2023:
Town budget: _____________ Donation account: _____________
Adjustment (voted in November): Moved $310.00 from Donation Account to
Town Budget (Cathryn)
Expenses: $71.50 to pay Mark Levasseur to drive Gill Ledgers (first batch) to
Concord to meet a courier from Digital Commonwealth for digitizing
Donations: One copy of Gill History Vol. 2 for $10.00
3. New and current business for short discussions:
A. Severance House update (Pam)
B. Preservation of railing from French King Bridge, continued. (Kit, Bob)
C. Gravestone Girls, update (Kit): costs, content, vote
D. Upkeep for Anchorage and abutment, updates? (Kit, Terri, Bob)
E. Lighting upgrade for museum room (Pam, Kit)
F. Unfinished priorities: Basement inventory beginning (Bob, Kit); next steps
G. Indexes for Riverside and Jennie books? (Charlene, Pam)
H. GHC Library talks, update (Pam)
4. Old and continuing business
A. Digitizing Gill’s ledgers, next steps? Costs?
Old and continuing business:
B. Turners Falls – Gill Bridge plaque: Letter changes? New approach? (Kit, Bob; discussion)
C. GHC roles: exploring clerk, chair and associate members’ duties (Kit)
D. Membership drive, next steps? (discussion)
E. FB and website (Charlene)
F. Update on training to use RMB laptop, scanner and printer (Kit)
G. Acquisitions and collection in museum (Pam)
5. Other topics not listed at time of posting
Adjournment: __________ Next meeting: Tuesday, January 16, 1:00 p.m., RMB