Historical Commission

Tuesday, November 21, 2023, 3:00 pm
Riverside Municipal Building
A meeting of the Historical Commission


Gill Historical Commission

Tuesday, November 21, 2023, 3:00 p.m.

Riverside Municipal Building

Call to order: ___________ Minutes by Lynda_

1. Approve minutes of Oct. 17, 2023.

2. Treasurer’s Report and Business:

Account totals as of Oct. 17, 2023:

Town budget: _____________ Donation account: _______________



a. Repair of kiosk: $310.00 (Hale’s Signs)

b. Printing of 10 copies of Riverside: $405.90

c. Supplies: 2 archival boxes ($51.90); 1 pack of archival paper ($20.99)

d. Additional request: cork for display board (cost TBA) (Kit)

3. New and current business for short discussions:

A. Railing from French King Bridge, continued: (Terri, Bob, Pam, Kit; discussion of design)

B. Gravestone Girls update (Kit)

C. Requests for town to help pay for kiosk repair, Anchorage upkeep: possible sources (Kit)

D. Repair and upkeep for Anchorage and abutment (Terri’s draft letter to SB: discussion)

E. Lighting upgrade for museum room (Pam)

F. Unfinished Priority Projects: Basement inventory dates to plan (discussion)

G. Proposal for GHC Library talks (Pam)

H. Indexes for Riverside and Jennie books? (Charlene, Pam)

4. Old and continuing business

A. Moving historic ledgers to Boston, next steps??

B. The Turners Falls – Gill Bridge Plaque: draft letter to SB for GHC consideration (Kit)

C. GHC officers’ and members’ roles: continuing (Kit, Pam)

D. Next steps: membership drive (discussion)

Old and continuing business, p.2

E. FB and website (Charlene)

F. Training for laptop and scanner at RMB (Kit)

G. Collection and acquisitions for museum (Pam)

H. Date for December meeting? Dec. 19 or a change? (Kit)

I. Email updates once a month? (Kit and other members)

5. Other topics not listed at time of posting

Adjournment: ________ Next meeting: Tuesday, December 19, 2023, 3:00 p.m., RMB